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Conflicted over the Super Bowl? You’re not alone.

The Super Bowl is this Sunday and predictably, New England fans will root for the Patriots while seemingly everyone else will cheer on the Rams, but there’s a third team involved this year: Colin Kaepernick and his supporters, including celebrities and non-celebrities alike. 

Cardi B, according to TMZ, and Rihanna, according to U.S. Weekly, both refused to perform at the Super Bowl in support of Kaepernick, the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback who spurred a league-wide protest by kneeling in 2016 during the national anthem to raise awareness about police brutality and has yet to be hired by another team after opting out of his contract. 

Other celebrities, though, have not had the same reaction. Gladys Knight, Chloe and Halle, Maroon 5, Travis Scott, and Big Boi are all performing. In response, as of Wednesday, over 111,800 signed a petition asking headlining act Maroon 5 to drop out. 

“I think we can perform for the NFL and the players can play for the NFL and we can support Kap at the same time,” Maroon 5’s keyboardist PJ Morton told The Associated Press.

“Cancel culture” — which includes petitions like this, as well as boycotts and tweets calling for accountability from celebrities — means it’s likely that this won’t be the last time an artist or company gets called out or boycotted for bad behavior. Fans then have the responsibility to educate themselves, so they can make informed decisions about if and how to engage with an artist they disagree with on political grounds. 

But how does a politically-aware fan wade through the reactions and come to a decision that they feel good about? The path forward isn’t always clear.

Kristen Bennett and Elizabeth Nordenholt, hosts of the podcast Your Fave Is Problematic, warn against hasty decisions. Without taking the time to investigate and contextualize situations, you’re more likely to make knee-jerk decisions, Bennett says.

Their podcast explores the “social implications” of their favorite TV shows, movies, and famous figures to ultimately decide if they want to continue engaging with them. They’ve discussed Game of Thrones, How I Met Your Mother, author J.K. Rowling, and yes, American football. 

“If you want to watch the Super Bowl, I don’t think it’s going to make or break anything — watch it if you like those artists and if you want to,” says Bennett.

Still, Bennett believes the criticism toward the Super Bowl performers is warranted, especially because they won’t get paid to perform and don’t necessarily need the exposure. 

Nordenholt, for her part, isn’t planning on watching the game. Still, she has advice for fans who are: If someone makes a problematic comment about the take-a-knee protests at a Super Bowl viewing party, she wants those who know better to educate them about why their remark is “inappropriate and probably racist.” 

“Be aware of the issues and try to be a force for good,” says Nordenholt. 

“If you are a big Travis Scott fan and like his work, maybe don’t watch the Super Bowl performance but buy his new album.”

Nordenholt also points to other ways a fan can support an artist. “Think about ways to do that that maybe feel more responsible if you are feeling icky about touching the Super Bowl,” says Nordenholt. “If you are a big Travis Scott fan and like his work, maybe don’t watch the Super Bowl performance but buy his new album.”

For some fans, supporting Travis Scott comes with other baggage, given his controversial remarks in 2014 about Michael Brown, an unarmed, 18-year-old black boy who was killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. He said that although Brown didn’t deserve to get killed, he deserved to “pay for consequences he probably inflicted.”

Scott faced some initial backlash when his Super Bowl performance was announced, but according to Billboard, he only agreed to perform if the NFL made a joint donation to a social justice organization, a contingency he stipulated before he even signed on. As such, Travis Scott worked with the NFL to donate $500,000 to Dream Corps, an organization focused on helping young people become computer programmers, reforming the criminal justice system, and building a green economy. 

“I back anyone who takes a stand for what they believe in,” Scott said in a statement. “I know being an artist that it’s in my power to inspire. So before confirming the Super Bowl Halftime performance, I made sure to partner with the NFL on this important donation. I am proud to support Dream Corps and the work they do that will hopefully inspire and promote change.”

Similarly, Maroon 5 donated $500,000 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, as reported by People, but their scheduled press conference was cancelled amid the controversy.

Civil rights activist Johnetta Elzie, who helped document the Ferguson protests on Twitter, says that because she’s not a football fan, she won’t feel as if she’s missing out by not watching the game. 

“It’s been confusing to try and gauge the opinions of people who actually watch football.”

But the choice may not be so clear for everyone. On her social media timeline, for example, she says she’s seen a variety of opinions trying to make sense of the factors involved, which include their love for the game, as well as Kaepernick not getting hired after kneeling and his desire to join a team despite the treatment he’s received. 

“It’s been confusing to try and gauge the opinions of people who actually watch football,” she says. 

In wake of the controversy, Elzie recently asked her Twitter followers what their rules for cancelling musical artists are. From that, she learned that everyone has different hard lines. 

Still, Elzie doesn’t view a donation as an effective response to the criticism Scott is facing. The fact that police killed 19 unarmed black men in 2017 cannot be addressed with a single donation.

“People are saying, hey, this is a very real thing that happened and that is happening and affects the community that is your audience … and that you’re a part of. Making a donation — to me, that’s not how you fix the problem because it’s a disconnect,” says Elzie.

Nordenholt says similarly that she doesn’t have patience for the NFL or anything associated with them because of the way they conduct themselves. 

“[The NFL] very much … throws money at a problem so [they] can look good and look like [they’re] dealing with it when [they’re] not at all. That’s kind of how they handle everything,” Nordenholt explains. “If they actually cared about black people, the Black Lives Matter Movement, the take-a-knee protest, and wanted to actually look like they were doing some good, there is so much more they could be doing.”

Last year, the league announced it would fine players who kneel during the national anthem.

For fans during Sunday’s game and beyond, Nordenholt emphasizes that while it’s important to hold high standards, it’s just as crucial to be kind to yourself if you screw up. And if you do … or your favorite artist does, don’t get defensive if someone tries to address it. 

Bennett agrees.

“It’s an opportunity to do better, to build trust and build a relationship,” she says.

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