With the rise and fall of the cat meme economy, we look to online cat personalities to fill the cuteness void in our hearts. But one talkative feline has gone beyond just looking adorable to steal our attention.
Giving an inside look at the daily thoughts of a house cat, Twitter account @peepeeplayhouse shows the life of Peepee. And yes, that is his real name.
iave been Cote again . my dade said “Peepee You Nevre Wake Up Excapt Fore Treat’s”. i saide No thatse not true .then My dad toke fotage bahind my Back’ of me sleaping thru a cackafony and then Wakeing up excited fore treat’s. . pic.twitter.com/XbebHHcKJI
— peepee the cat (@peepeeplayhouse) January 25, 2019
Peepee is 8-years-old (or as he says, “Ate year’s oald“), loves drinking water that isn’t his, and is a big fan of receiving pats. Sounds pretty typical, right? But what makes this Twitter so great is that it isn’t from the perspective of a human or a cat parent documenting these tales — it’s Peepee’s own account— and he wants his thoughts to be heard.
This charming collection of daily anecdotes is displayed well in the viral tweet below. Describing his true nature as a cat, many people found this an extremely relatable mood.
i Amn just……….. a litle creacher. Thatse It . I Canot change this
— peepee the cat (@peepeeplayhouse) September 19, 2018
But what sets apart Twitter’s new favorite cat from other kitty celebs is also his down-to-earth, opinionated commentary.
my dad just squoshed me in a doar . they we’re veary sorry and sade Pee pee how can you forgove me.i toald them i woude need a lot of treat’s too feal better………and now i am Fealing a lot betre
— peepee the cat (@peepeeplayhouse) November 29, 2018
i went out side to’day and i just cudent help my self . Yes, I Roaled In Dirt . my dade was increjulouse. they sade Pee Pee i cante baleve you did this ,. Well it was my Choaice. and i woude do it againe pic.twitter.com/wlc7gCDwpY
— peepee the cat (@peepeeplayhouse) November 21, 2018
i haft changet my Toon abaot this Watre Fontane. i doant like it any More. My dad sayse Pee Pee whatse wronge it’s’ so clene and freash. Well Dade maybe i doant want freash watre. Thatse Not Hwo I Ame Any Moare pic.twitter.com/DmuJcW84A8
— peepee the cat (@peepeeplayhouse) September 28, 2018
Theas are some raire pic’s of me and my Dad . …………………………………………………… JUST KITTING ! My Dad Is not that litle.
Just a joake pic.twitter.com/6J4YN4ygvt
— peepee the cat (@peepeeplayhouse) October 8, 2018
Viral fame hasn’t gone to Peepee’s head just yet — he frequently uses his platform to highlight social justice issues such as trans rights, voting rights, and prison reform.
my dade showed me theyre litle sticker they Got From Voating and i onestly am hurt becose i canot cast a Voate of my own . ide also like too partisampate in astablashing a betre goverment . i hoape evary one can go Voate fore litle guy’s and othre peomple who arent abale. pic.twitter.com/XGgUFRCNp6
— peepee the cat (@peepeeplayhouse) November 4, 2018
i Must spake out . Trance Pepole deserve rite’s jost like any-one. else . Pease donaite and saport yoare locle Trance organisashons ! https://t.co/kU1jyXPNxn
— peepee the cat (@peepeeplayhouse) January 22, 2019
my dad left the rodeo on yestreday and now i canot stop think’ing how badely our nashun neads Prizon Refoarm .our curent systme is a Modurn Day way to exploite peple of color for cheep labur . If Yuo ask me the industrie shud be rebilt frum scramtch….. But ime just a litle cat. pic.twitter.com/eZk5xpJinW
— peepee the cat (@peepeeplayhouse) September 14, 2018
In an interview with VRV, a pop culture blog created by the digital steaming service, Peepee describes why he wanted to start blogging online:
“it was Oanly a cuple mumfs ago . My Dad was saying “PeePeee i have to maney pic’s of You . WHair do i put them’ all. ” and wel im veary Tockative. i Have Lotse of thotes in my litle brain . so I said “Dad i wude like too try Out Bloging . I cane put my litle thotes down and i will Poast my Picshures so their all In One Plase for yuo and all my ,frendse too loke at “.
He also went on to say that he was just having a lot of fun blogging on his own, and he hopes that everyone just has a good time on his page.
Indeed, a wholesome community has assembled to compliment and shower Peepee with affection. His page is filled with everything from fan art, to theme songs honoring his adorable legacy.
@peepeeplayhouse – hi peepee. I recorded that lil song I made for you with a full band. It’s a little faster that the first one. I hope you don’t mind that I used one of your beautiful pics for the video. Hope you like! pic.twitter.com/5HNxr8xaTx
— almost dr. jordan (@thewholeboy) January 29, 2019
Peepee is definitely not the first animal online to bridge the communication gap with a wide human audience — other accounts such as @ProBirdRights and @dog_feelings seek to capture our innate need to understand our pets.
Internet lexicon surrounding pets has interestingly evolved into two major categories — how we talk about pets and how the pets themselves “talk.” This is well documented in an NPR article about the origins of doggolino, the cutesy language used to refer to pets, reflects how we talk to our pets IRL.
But the rise in animal memes gives a voice to our animal companions. We impart our cutesy language onto them, and also reflect our pets’ limited worldview. Peepee speaks to us in the same loving way that we ourselves would speak to him, and we hope that this is the way our pets actually see us.
And with so many cats on the internet, that’s what makes Peepee’s playhouse a gem all its own. This little fellow fights for belly pats and trans rights. What a true icon.
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