Netflix star and sweet tidy-upper Marie Kondo can do no wrong — or so we thought.
Kondo can be found on screens and bookshelves everywhere, making people decide whether or not their earthly possessions spark joy. She’s a consistently calming, harmonious presence. Only Twitter could find a way to corrupt Miss Kondo and turn her into a cleaning demon.
We didn’t expect “Marie Kondo” and “gun” to be used in the same tweet this soon, but we’re also not surprised. Here, the victims speak:
Okay, we’re watching the Marie Kondo tidying show. She’s already crawled out of our tv and thrown all my DVDs out the window.
— Kirst New Year (@Winskillfull) January 8, 2019
Marie Kondo made me chop one of my nuts off
— Stavros Halkias (@stavvybaby) January 9, 2019
Start of cleaning: I am a calm minimalist earth goddess
10 minutes later: Marie Kondo can suck my left titty I love my numerous towers of dusty junk that have given me depression
— Deirdre (@figgled) January 8, 2019
Some dude we met yesterday told us his friend dumped her boyfriend after reading the Marie Kondo book bc he didn’t bring her joy, what a hero
— alix (@alixmcalpine) January 8, 2019
Marie Kondo thanks you before ejecting you from the platform in Smash
— JuanPa (@jpbrammer) January 8, 2019
marie kondo is holding me hostage until i fold the clothes piled on my designated clothes holding chair
— morgan sung (@morgan_sung) January 8, 2019
I’m going to emulate Marie Kondo except my lifestyle advice will be to eat your large rowdy children like the Greek Titans of old.
— ABSOLUTE ROASTER (@chewacow) January 8, 2019
marie kondo just pointed a gun at me and told me to give her one good reason as to why i need two crock pots. idk how she even got in my apartment
— Trey Smith (@SlimiHendrix) January 8, 2019
Marie Kondo is holding me at knifepoint and demanding that I throw out my husband’s ashes
— Bridger Winegar (@bridger_w) January 7, 2019
After a heated discussion with Marie Kondo i’ve decided to throw myself in the trash.
— Kashana (@kashanacauley) January 7, 2019
Eco-socialist Marie Kondo: Hold up the fossil fuel industry and see if it sparks joy
Millennials: it does not
Eco-socialist Marie Kondo: Nationalize it and rapidly liquidate its business model— Kate Aronoff (@KateAronoff) January 8, 2019
I would totally watch a horror movie starring #MarieKondo where she breaks into a someone’s home and forces them to burn all their books and kill the family members that no longer spark joy.
— DAVID @TheMovieCult (@themoviecult) January 9, 2019
Sure, we love Kondo’s calm demeanor and soft voice that puts us totally at ease. We’ll still never discard this Twitter format. It gives us too much joy.
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