A new report on women and leadership by financial-services company KPMG presents a somewhat counterintuitive finding: As women advance in their careers, they become less inclined to take professional risks.
KPMG surveyed a total of 2,012 professional, college-educated women in the US. Results showed that 45% of women with fewer than five years of experience said they were open to taking big risks to further their career, compared to 37% of women with at least 15 years of experience. Big risks refer to moves like relocating to a new city for a job or changing careers entirely.
That’s not because women aren’t confident, the report said. Instead, according to Michele Meyer-Shipp, chief diversity officer at KPMG, it’s likely because senior-level women have more to lose. Many senior-level women have families to take care of; they may be planning for retirement; and they may have established themselves at a particular organization.
When women do take risks, according to the report, it’s typically with the goal of earning more, as opposed to getting a title bump. What’s more, women are significantly more likely to take risks to benefit their team or their organization than to benefit themselves. The report found that 69% of women were willing to ask to get involved in a project, compared to 43% who were willing to tout their accomplishments.
Another important finding from the report: Women of color were most likely to take risks in their career. As many as 57% said they were open to taking big risks to further their careers, compared to 38% of white women. As Meyer-Shipp told Inc.’s Michelle Cheng, “Women of color are a little more comfortable getting uncomfortable because that’s how we have to navigate every single day of our lives.”
Read more: Why black women are more ambitious than white women — but have a harder time getting ahead
It’s important to clearly articulate your career ambitions
KPMG didn’t include men in this particular survey, but other sources provide some evidence that women may be more risk-averse in their careers.
For example, a survey on career regrets by Zety cited in Forbes found that women are more likely than men to regret not speaking up about a problem at work and not negotiating a higher starting salary. Another study cited in the Harvard Business Review found that women are less inclined than men are to apply for a job when they don’t meet 100% of the qualifications, largely because they want to avoid wasting time.
That said, Doug Sundheim, the author of “Taking Smart Risks,” pointed out in a Harvard Business Review article that “risk-taking” is typically defined rather narrowly. He wrote: “The majority of studies that point to men having a greater inclination for risk-taking define risk in physical and financial terms. They don’t point to risks like standing up for what’s right in the face of opposition, or taking the ethical path when there’s pressure to stray — important risks that I’ve found women are particularly strong at taking.”
To be sure, some caution around professional risk-taking can be advisable. Meyer-Shipp said it depends on where you are in your life and career. Yet she also emphasized the importance of articulating what you want, like a raise or a promotion, as opposed to thinking it will just land in your lap if you work hard enough. “The bottom line is we have to ask,” she said.
Indeed, the report found that women are more likely to attribute their career success to working hard (73%) than to being a risk-taker (8%).
The survey findings hit home for Meyer-Shipp, who took a meaningful risk about eight years ago when she transitioned from employment law to leading the diversity function at a major organization. When she was approached about the opportunity, she remembers thinking: “Me? Really? I’m just a lawyer. Can I really do this?”
In Meyer-Shipp’s case, an unidentified sponsor had recommended her for the position. As one of her mentors told her: “Someone clearly sees something in you that you don’t even know you’ve got. Go for it.”
Read more: What young women think it takes to get ahead at work isn’t actually what moves the needle
Meyer-Shipp said the KPMG report may comfort women who realize they’re not alone in their trepidation around risk-taking — but that’s not enough. The findings emphasize that “we have to be proactive in advocating for ourselves and our career,” she said.
As for organizations, Meyer-Shipp said it’s also on them to support women as they navigate their career. They need to “make sure we are letting women and all professionals know we want to hear their voices.”
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