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The skate culture parody of Instagram poets calls out bad men

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An Ode tois a weekly column where we share the stuff we’re really into in hopes that you’ll be really into it, too.

Getting ghosted by skaters is a subculture in itself — there’s a whole poetry account dedicated to it.

They’ll make eye contact with you at a party without actually approaching you, and then DM you three seconds after you leave with “Hey, saw you around.” They’ll invite you over to “just hang” but you’ll just end up watching their skate compilation videos before an underwhelming hook up. They’ll offer you a hit of their Juul before you go home, and then only text you back after they see your Instagram Story days later. They’ll probably brush off the casual ghosting with a “Sorry, I’m bad at texting,” and then ghost you again once you strike up a conversation — only to hit you up several weeks later and ask if you want to come over after their friend’s DIY show. 

Instagram account @theboyandhisdickies calls out trash skater men through tongue-in-cheek parodies of minimalist poetry. Like a bitter Rupi Kaur, the two writers behind the account dissect modern relationships and heartbreak through line work doodles and cynical wordplay. 

The account is the work of two roommates who started writing “Tumblr-poetry satire.”

“We’ve always gotten a kick out of skate culture, and found that this was a fun way to rant about our experiences,” @theboyandhisdickies said over Instagram DM.

The account is almost too on-point with its callouts, poking fun at self-proclaimed “woke” men who are emotionally unavailable, a bit misogynistic, and still don’t have a bed frame. It also calls out the women who are tragically attracted to them. 

Instead of Kaur’s Milk and Honey — the collection of poetry often screenshot, shared, and quoted all over Instagram — think PBR & clove cigarettes. The account’s creators admit that it’s a nod to the “social media oriented poets” who’ve shifted the way poetry is written. 

“While poets historically focused on producing a few highly thought-provoking poems in a given period of time, social media seems to have changed that,” @theboyandhisdickies said. “Poets are now expected to produce an absurdly high quantity of poems just to keep readers happy.”

The account isn’t even a month and a half old, but has churned out 30 cheeky poems — with illustrations — since its creation in the beginning of November.

“We believe our account reads as a satirical commentary on the current state of creative writing,” the creators said. “Our decision to focus on skate culture is a play on stereotypes in our community.” 

So if your love life has been a mess thanks to some guy wearing checkered Vans and a grungy mustard yellow beanie, maybe you can find some solace in this poetry.

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