We regret to inform you that yet another Baby Boomer doesn’t understand websites.
Last week, someone turned one of Rudy Giuliani’s Twitter typos into a website that declares, “Donald J. Trump is a traitor to our country.”
But Giuliani doesn’t understand how the internet works, and seems to be convinced that “Twitter allowed someone to invade” his tweet with a “disgusting anti-President message.”
Giuliani inadvertently added a live “.in” link to a tweet complaining about Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump campaign as the president traveled to the G-20 summit. Then a brilliant soul got hold of G-20.in and turned it into a page calling out the president (.in is the internet domain for Indian sites). Giuliani finally responded to the sneaky move on Tuesday — and he obviously doesn’t understand how the internet works.
“The same thing-period no space-occured later and it didn’t happen,” he ranted in a follow-up tweet. “Don’t tell me they are not committed cardcarrying anti-Trumpers.”
Twitter allowed someone to invade my text with a disgusting anti-President message. The same thing-period no space-occurred later and it didn’t happen. Don’t tell me they are not committed cardcarrying anti-Trumpers. Time Magazine also may fit that description. FAIRNESS PLEASE
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) December 5, 2018
Twitter users didn’t hold back on mocking him for completely missing the point.
Sorry, Rudy… you weren’t supposed to get that. Running some tests on the Soros-funded Deep State emergency SMS notification system rn
— William LeGate (#DeepState CyberSec) (@williamlegate) December 5, 2018
The internet is on computers now, Rudy
— Lean Malenko
(@duderibe) December 5, 2018
powerful boomer brain on display
Goth Ms. Krampus
(@spookperson) December 5, 2018
so you have the audacity to brand yourself as a “cybersecurity expert” but you don’t even know how domain name registration works
maybe, uh, retire
— Midnight Jon
(@MidnightJon) December 5, 2018
Just wait until he finds out about the magic of gifs! Pictures that move!
from Trendy News Day https://ift.tt/2BRaHz2