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People are divided over Beyoncé and Ed Sheeran’s clashing outfits

People have feelings over Beyoncé and Ed Sheeran’s outfit choices. 

The two stars performed a duet of “Perfect” during the Global Citizens Festival in South Africa on Sunday. Her stunning headlining set included six outfit changes, including a frilly magenta masterpiece. 

Ed Sheeran, on the other hand, looks like he just walked off the set of an indie coming of age movie set in the mid-2000s. He donned a short sleeve shirt over a long sleeve shirt and dressed it up (for Ed Sheeran, at least) with dark wash jeans. 

Here’s a close-up of Beyoncé’s outfit, looking like heavenly being emerging from kind of alien flower.  

And here’s Ed Sheeran again, in an outfit your problematic crush who peaked in high school might have worn. 

Twitter users were divided on the outfit choices. Some, like Shon Faye, were annoyed that Sheeran had the audacity to dress like an adult-sized toddler in the presence of Queen B. Others resorted to memeing. 

Some concluded that men, no matter what industry they’re in, will be disappointing.  

If you’re going to be upstaged by Beyoncé no matter what you wear, you might as well be comfortable doing it.

Regardless of their outfits, the two belted out a stunning duet. 

At least they sound good!

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