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Behold, this gate sounds like the beginning of the ‘Jurassic Park’ theme

Squeaky gates are more annoying than anything.

Not this gate though, which invokes a sense of nostalgia for everyone’s favourite dinosaur-related film, Jurassic Park.

Twitter user @lukedmond posted a video of his gate which, when opened, issues the same notes as the film’s theme by John Williams — you’ll remember it from the iconic scene when the gates of the wildlife park appear on screen.

While it’s a pretty short clip, you’ll get the gist.

Fortunately, someone else completed the rest of the theme, if only hearing the first few notes of it proved too frustrating for you.

The Jurassic Park gate joins other well-hinged luminaries, such as the door that sounds like Chewbacca:

Or R2D2:

Jazz great Miles Davis: 

Or this one that sounds like the Jaws theme.

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