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LGBTQ youth need a proper sex education, too

The internet has changed how kids learn about sex, but sex ed in the classroom still sucks. In Sex Ed 2.0, Mashable explores the state of sex ed and imagines a future where digital innovations are used to teach consent, sex positivity, respect, and responsibility.

After going through the grueling process of coming out to his friends and family in high school, Sean Joyce, a senior at Pace University, remembered finally coming to terms with his sexuality. Although he learned how to feel comfortable in his own skin, Joyce was still unsure of how to safely navigate doing the deed. Everything he had learned in his high school’s sex ed program was focused on vaginal sex and pregnancy prevention.

“It was very hetero-centric,” Joyce said. “There was absolutely nothing about having safe gay sex, or even anything about same-sex relationships.” 

Many factors made understanding his sexuality difficult during puberty, but not having inclusive sex ed made it even worse. Leaving LGBTQ experiences out of sex ed curriculums further ostracizes teens that are learning to come to terms with themselves.

“It makes you feel like you’re weird,” Joyce said. “You’re still learning who you are at this age, and having to seek out information on the internet or somewhere else felt stigmatizing.”

Not only does it feel isolating, but not teaching sex ed to LGBTQ youth is dangerous.

“The risk that comes with not teaching these subjects puts folks in danger of not being able to take care of themselves,” said Kari Kesler, a cofounder of Seattle-based Family Life and Sexual Health (FLASH), which designs inclusive sex ed for teachers to use in the classroom. “But it also makes an entire group of people invisible, sending out a message that they don’t matter, and the issues they face aren’t important.”

“The risk that comes with not teaching these subjects puts folks in danger of not being able to take care of themselves.”

Sydney Martin, a junior at New York University, also went through a similar experience as Joyce as a bisexual teen.

“I guess I could’ve learned that sex is just more than just a penis going into the vagina,” Martin said. “There are so many different types of sex other than the one that gets you pregnant that could’ve been mentioned that I would’ve appreciated.”

Joyce and Martin’s experiences aren’t unique in the U.S. Only nine states — California, Colorado, Delaware, Iowa, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington — require sex ed curriculums be inclusive when discussing sexual orientation. On the opposite end, seven states prohibit any lessons that might “promote” homosexuality through what are known as “No Promo Homo” laws: Alabama, Arizona, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas. 

When not receiving proper lessons about sex, LGBTQ youth might engage in risky sexual behavior. Brian Mustanski, director of IMPACT, a Northwestern University program focused on LGBTQ health and development, recalled a time when he was reviewing responses in an online focus group and was shocked to see how gay and bisexual boys and teens thought they were safe from any sexual responsibility.

“A lot of them thought they didn’t need to use condoms because they didn’t have to worry about getting pregnant,” Mustanski said. “They said that’s what they were taught in school.” 

Something similar happened to Martin as an adult when she first found out about dental dams in college. 

“I didn’t know anything about dental dams and I didn’t think about them at all,” Martin explained. “I was a lot less concerned about getting an STD from a woman than a man because I was taught that I only really had to worry about getting an STD from a penis.”

“No one should go into sex expecting it be like a scene from a porn studio.”

Furthermore, LGBTQ youth seeking information about their sexual interests may also turn to porn. But porn can be a double-edged sword.

“We’ve heard from a lot of young people that using porn is a way to explore their sexual attractions and interest,” Mustanski said. “But it becomes a real problem because we’re potentially raising generations of kids who learned about sex through porn, which might create the expectation that any sex is going to be had the same way as in porn.” 

According to a 2016 survey by the Gay Men’s Health Project, a UK charity, nearly half of gay men in the UK got their sexual education from watching porn. 

Joyce views porn as a means of understanding the basics of sex. However, he understands the dangers of having this be the only source of information about sex for LGBTQ teens.

“It can give you a general concept of how things work in terms of figuring out the basics,” Joyce said. “But it also creates unrealistic expectations because it’s all produced and scripted. No one should go into sex expecting it be like a scene from a porn studio.”

What’s inclusive sex ed look like?

In schools that are open to teaching an inclusive form of sex ed in high schools, the FLASH curriculum serves as a solid tool. Lessons that pertain to LGBTQ teens discuss other methods of sex that aren’t strictly vaginal, gender identity, and sexual orientation. The roleplaying presented in the lessons features characters of various gender identities. All students learn the same curriculum, no matter their sexual orientation. 

“We make a real intentional effort to make sure all students feel seen, heard, and respected,” Flash cofounder Andrea Gerber said. “The lessons really resonated with LGBTQ students, and it also helped increase their visibility among their peers.”

FLASH only provides the material to be taught in schools; teachers who may want to teach the lessons plans will have to get school approval first. The group doesn’t track which schools are using their curriculum and solely relies on feedback from teachers or students if they choose to give it.

Increased visibility among peers is also an added benefit of teaching an inclusive sex ed program. Not only can LGBTQ teens learn about themselves, but heterosexual students can also better understand and respect their LGBTQ peers.

“I think having it in a classroom is the best approach,” Martin said. “You learn about these topics in a safer environment, and it helps teens understand other sexualities at an early age. It’s these kinds of lessons that will stay with them forever.”

For LGBTQ youth that might not have access to inclusive sex ed in school, online programs like IMPACT can fill in the gap. They can also supplement programs that may be inclusive, but are still limited in scope.

IMPACT’s lessons include coming out, developing healthy romantic relationships, preventing STDs when having queer sex, and self-acceptance. In addition to the online information, it also confidentially delivers informational courses and other materials pertaining to LGBTQ sexual health and gender identity, to youth in the Chicago-area who sign up for its curriculum. IMPACT often connects with teens through local LGBTQ centers.

“The reality is that even if a school has an LGBTQ inclusive sex ed class it’s never going to provide the depth of info that LGBTQ youth need to know,” Mustanski said. “We’ve worked with these kids, and have tailored an education that’s dedicated to them specifically.”  

IMPACT isn’t the only online source for this type of information. Other organizations such as Teen Health Source, operated by Planned Parenthood Toronto, and The Healthy Teen Network also provide relevant material.

How do you encourage your school to offer inclusive sex ed?

Getting schools on board with inclusive sex ed can be tricky. 

“I’m not sure there’s a ‘one-size-fits-all’ sort of deal going on here,” FLASH’s Kesler explained. “It really comes down to the environment, and what we can do is continue trying to support a climate that will bring about change.”

Fostering an inclusive environment in and outside of the classroom for LGBTQ students is the best first step to getting better sex education. Before we start to see any change in sex ed, schools need to make sure students are aware that LGBTQ people exist, and they matter.

“It’s a challenge because there’s a lot of decision makers and obstacles that prevent this material from reaching out to the kids that really need it.”

“We talked on gender identity one time in an English class I took in high school,” Joyce explained. “It started with gender roles, but it kind of grew into a bigger conversation about gender expectations. Just even touching on social issues like that is enough to open up more talks about other topics.”

IMPACT’s Mustanski is aware that it’ll take time before inclusive sex ed becomes the norm.

“It’s a challenge because there’s a lot of decision makers and obstacles that prevent this material from reaching out to the kids that really need it,” he said.

Being a teenager is stressful enough, and being different from everyone else because of your sexuality or gender identity makes it all the more difficult. Martin explained that perhaps accepting herself would’ve been easier if she saw herself represented in sex ed class.

“If I had a more inclusive sex ed it would’ve made it a lot easier to admit to myself I was bisexual because I would’ve felt legitimized in my sexual interests,” Martin said. “I’m sure there are plenty of other young people out there who feel the same way.”

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