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Watch Nikki Haley and ‘Fox & Friends’ blame media for Trump’s laugh-filled UN speech

One day after the UN General Assembly laughed at Presidential Donald Trump during his speech, Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, appeared on Fox & Friends for a delusional twisting of events.

Insisting that the laughter came from a place of love and respect, Haley and the Fox & Friends hosts blamed the media for what they said was a misrepresentation of what happened. 

If you squint, you can almost buy Haley’s explanation — “The media was trying to make it something disrespectful; that’s not what it was” — as the desperate effort of someone who knows their boss is watching and is doing their best to fend off a targeted tantrum. She added:

The media has got this so wrong. I deal with these leaders every single day. I know exactly how they think. Do they love America? No. Do they respect America? Now they do. When they said that they love how honest he is. And it’s not diplomatic. And they find it funny. I mean, when he goes and he is very truthful they kind of were taken back by it. 

But this doesn’t quite square with the fact that the laughter followed a typical Trumpian boast and Trump’s own reaction was one of surprise (“Didn’t expect that”). And let’s not forget the German reaction to one part of Trump’s speech.

But, okay, again, Haley is clearly defending Trump knowing full well that he will love the attack on the media. And, after all, she’s not going that far beyond Trump himself, who said that he totally meant for everyone to laugh.

SEE ALSO: Here’s President Trump toasting the UN with a wine glass full of Diet Coke

What really takes us into delusional territory, though, is the defense from Fox’s Brian Kilmeade who tries to explain the laughter like so: 

It was the echo laugh. For example, I think a part of it was he pulled off the prompter and reacted in realtime and that never happens at the U.N. You read your story, the world is watching, he ad-libbed it.

That’s reeeeeaaaaaally stretching it, buddy. Not that we really expect anything else at this point.

As for what Trump thinks of this spin, we’ll probably find out on Wednesday afternoon when Trump holds a rare press conference to discuss his participation in the UN’s activities. 

Buckle up. 

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