Yes, you read that headline right.
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate on Thursday about Kavanaugh’s alleged sexual assault.
Later during the hearing, Senator Kamala Harris asked Kavanaugh, “Did you watch Dr. Ford’s testimony?”
“I did not,” Kavanaugh admitted. “I planned to, but I did not. I was preparing mine.”
Americans were both furious and unconvinced that Kavanaugh claimed he didn’t watch his accuser’s testimony.
Kavanaugh says he didn’t watch Ford’s testimony but that he plans to. In ’91, Thomas told the committee that he didn’t watch Hill’s testimony, which prompted frustration from even some of his defenders on the panel.
— Steve Kornacki (@SteveKornacki) September 27, 2018
in 5 minutes @KamalaHarris established that #Kavanaugh:
– has not taken a polygraph
– won’t call for FBI investigation
– didn’t watch Ford’s testimony
– faced same vet as Gorsuch
– concedes that treating some women well doesn’t preclude a man from doing ill to others
— Jesse Lehrich (@JesseLehrich) September 27, 2018
Wow. Kavanaugh didn’t even watch Blasey Ford’s testimony. He doesn’t care what she said. She’s close to irrelevant to him.
— Sarah O’Simpson (@TheViewFromLL2) September 27, 2018
Oh I think he did. That’s why he was so enraged when he started his testimony. Just another lie from him
— Nessie_Nu
(@nessie_nu) September 27, 2018
When Brett Kavanaugh didn’t watch Dr. Ford’s testimony, did he not watch it with Mark Judge, and did he write that he was not watching it in his calendar?
— Jeremy Newberger (@jeremynewberger) September 27, 2018
A committee aide told the Wall Street Journal that Kavanaugh was watching her testimony “from a monitor in another room in the Dirksen Senate Building.”
So what’s the truth?
from Trendy News Today