Apparently Tinder is just too basic for some people.
Carlos Zetina only knew a handful of things about the girl he met at a campus bar: her name was Nicole, she was from Holland, she attended the University of Calgary, and she thought Nietzche was depressing.
When the number she gave him ended up being wrong, he decided to pursue the missed connection in the most extra way: He combed through the University of Calgary’s entire email list, and messaged every Nicole he could find in one mass email:
“Hi, this is a mass e mail to all Nicole’s [sic] if you don’t fit this description then ignore and if you are the one and just don’t want to talk to me that’s ok as well. If you name is Nicole and you’re from Holland and you think Nietzsche is depressing then text me … I’m Carlos btw I’m the guy who took you and your friend home last night.”
Zetina emailed 246 Nicoles in total, including students, staff, and faculty members. Even associate deans named Nicole were part of his quest to find his dream Nicole. He was thorough, too — according to BuzzFeed, Zetina added variations like Nicolette and Nickie in his search.
His huge email didn’t find the Nicole he was looking for, but it did unite the Nicoles of the University of Calgary.
“There’s a researcher in the group, who, she and I have similar research interests, so we’re actually going to collaborate in future,” Nicole Thompson told CBC. “I think it’s fantastic.”
A group of Nicoles even met up at a local pub.
And they made a Facebook group just for fellow #NicolesFromLastNight.
Us Nicole’s are all best friends now and we even have a Facebook page so we can plan Nicole meet ups.
Seriously the best way to start the school year
— Nicole (@nicolekr19) September 8, 2018
As word spread, someone added Nicole Toetenel to the Facebook group. She admitted to being the exchange student from Holland that Zetina was searching for, and according to BuzzFeed, hadn’t memorized her Canadian number. Since she’s an exchange student, she didn’t have a university email address and completely missed the Nicole-fest.
“But the powerful network of Nicole’s [sic] helped me get in touch,” she tweeted.
“He had a connection with this woman and I guess she felt it too — so it’s kind of the perfect ending to this,” Thompson told CBC.
The “real” Nicole told CBC that she and Zetina have coffee plans, but “just as friends.”
If it wasn’t already painfully obvious, he has a thing for Nicoles.
“My ex-girlfriend’s name was Nicole,” he admitted.
from Trendy News Today