President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh will spend the next few days getting pounded by Senate Democrats worried he’s about to roll back access to abortion, block gun control, and blow up affirmative action programs across the country.
So on Tuesday, he tried to get them to calm down.
Presenting himself as open-minded on every case before it’s heard in opening remarks at his Senate confirmation hearing, Kavanaugh stressed his concern for women, minorities, young people and the poor. He offered high praise for Judge Merrick Garland, whose Supreme Court nomination by former President Barack Obama was notoriously blocked by Republicans.
And he spent a lot of time talking about his mother, a judge and former teacher at a majority African-American high school in Washington DC, McKinley Tech, and about his daughters’ sports teams.
Above all, he promised not to let politics get in the way of his decisions.
President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh will spend the next few days getting pounded by Senate Democrats worried he’s about to roll back access to abortion, block gun control, and blow up affirmative action programs across the country.
So on Tuesday, he tried to get them to calm down.
Presenting himself as open-minded on every case before it’s heard in opening remarks at his Senate confirmation hearing, Kavanaugh stressed his concern for women, minorities, young people and the poor. He offered high praise for Judge Merrick Garland, whose Supreme Court nomination by former President Barack Obama was notoriously blocked by Republicans.
And he spent a lot of time talking about his mother, a judge and former teacher at a majority African-American high school in Washington DC, McKinley Tech, and about his daughters’ sports teams.
Above all, he promised not to let politics get in the way of his decisions.
“The Supreme Court must never be viewed as a partisan institution,” he said. “The Justices on the Supreme Court do not sit on opposite sides of an aisle.”
Not that Democrats believed him.
Read: This is what happened when the father of a Parkland victim tried to shake Kavanaugh’s hand
Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat from California, had just slammed Kavanaugh for his views on gun control, saying: “I’m left with the fact that your reasoning is far outside the mainstream of legal thought.”
And she worried about Kavanaugh’s position on abortion despite his earlier assurance that Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision underlying its legality in the U.S., is “settled law.”
“The question is whether you believe it’s correct law,” she remarked with ice in her voice.
from Trendy News Today